Affordable Vision Pro, M4 Mac lineup, AR Glasses: Future Apple lineup looks brighter than the Sirius

Aadil Raval
By Aadil Raval
8 Min Read
  • Apple is planning for an affordable Vision Pro headset set to arrive in late 2026.
  • iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 16 series will get selective AI capabilities barring any 'older' devices from getting the latest AI features whatsoever.
  • Apple currently has AR glasses, M4-powered Macs, and a few other products in the pipeline.

After hitting a jackpot with the revolutionary Apple Vision Pro, the future Apple lineup looks bright with a tonne of new products in the works. From an affordable Vision headset to a successor, feasible Apple Glasses, the planned spree on the M4 Macs, and the slow rollout of Apple’s ambitious Apple Intelligence suite of features. The Future Apple lineup has a lot to look out for this year and in the coming years. Bloomberg’s latest Power On newsletter talks about Apple’s upcoming lineup exploring what’s cooking.

Future Apple lineup teases an affordable Apple Vision Pro

One of the most ambitious products at Apple, the Vision Pro had been in the making for several years. Earlier this year, the spatial computing headset finally saw its launch, however, the extravagant price tag of $3,500 has been a bummer for many of the interested buyers. After all, the headset is priced thrice what even the most expensive AR headsets are pegged at, and that created tension.

Future Apple Lineup teases upcoming affordable Vision Pro headset in the works
Image Credits: Road to VR

Apple has confirmed releasing the expensive headset across more markets but until it doesn’t bring the prices down, it might not reach the masses. With the latest update coming from Mark Gurman on his newsletter Power On, Apple is likely developing an affordable Vision Pro headset with codename N107. Probably named ‘Apple Vision’, this headset is likely to arrive on the market by the end of 2025.

The Cupertino-based giant is still struggling with the cost as it wants to retain critical features without any major trade-offs. Removing many of the features that made Vision Pro revolutionary would make it less appealing for the buyers. The company might consider removing the EyeSight display, using a slightly less powerful chip, and tethering it with the Mac or iPhone to bring down processing capabilities and beyond. 

Apple is still adamant about working on the next-gen Vision Pro bearing codename N109 which we will see sometime at the end of 2026 although that remains to be seen since recent reports hint at possible delays in the project.

Apple Glasses AR could be feasible

Apple Glasses AR could be feasible

You must have seen AR glasses in sci-fi movies, they have been a holy grail for the tech industry and yet, several companies tried it and failed.

2027 could be the year when Apple could achieve something as ‘Apple AR Glasses’ with the potential to replace iPhones altogether. Although we have heard a lot about how these glasses would change our outlook towards daily tasks, it is still a milestone that Apple will have to work out pouring in millions of dollars. It will take a few years before it could be a reality. 

For a company that spent almost $10 billion and invested a decade before scrapping its plans to make cars, putting in a few more years towards a sci-fi tech aka the AR glasses, shouldn’t be a problem, right?

The speculated future Apple lineup teases the AR glasses quite a lot although we aren’t sure if these will be ready for the public until a few years at the least.

Apple opts for selective rollout of AI capabilities to the latest iPhones

iPhone 15 Pro series was the first to feature 8GB of RAM. You must have heard Apple saying you need at least 8GB of RAM storage to get hands on Apple Intelligence. That’s probably why you won’t be able to use any of the AI features across standard iPhone 15 and those released before.

iPhone 16 Pro is rumored to have a 20% brighter screen.
Image Credits: Apple

A lot has been said about this strategy, probably to spike iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max sales until the iPhone 16 series arrives later this year. It would’ve been a different thing altogether if Apple had chosen the neural engine as the entry barrier, however, it seems like it’s not the point, and rather the RAM is currently the entry barrier.

It’s not the first time when Apple has limited some features to Pro devices. It uses A16 on the iPhone 15 and 15 Plus while A17 Pro gets the prime spot on iPhone 15 Pro series. The Cupertino-giant did the same with iPhone 14 as well giving the Pro models more gravitas and better performance than their standard variants.

Pausing AI rollout in the EU

A few days ago, we heard Apple is likely to withhold its Apple Intelligence (AI) rollout across the European Union as a result of the Digital Markets Act (DMA) that was passed earlier this year. Apple anticipates possible interoperability issues with the AI rollout that could hamper user privacy and security. Thus, it is likely to pull temporary breaks on AI rollout across 450 million people living in the European Union until there’s common ground for fair competition. 

Apple M4 Mac lineup in the works

Moving ahead with the speculated future Apple lineup, there’s a lot around Apple’s next-gen M4-powered Mac lineup. For instance, just a few days ago, we heard a 14-inch MacBook Pro with M4. And a 14-inch Pro with a M4 Pro and 16-inch MacBook Pro powered by M4 Max are in the works scheduled for launch by the end of this year.

Apple Future Lineup includes M4-powered 
 Mac devices

Gurman speculates that the M4 Mac lineup is in the works too with M4 iMacs and M4 Mac minis (both low and high-end models in the works) set to arrive sometime by the end of 2024 and early 2025. There are MacBook Airs expected to arrive in the spring of 2025 and we could see Mac Studio and Mac Pro making their debut in the second half of 2025. Turns out there’s a lot to explore revolving around the M4 Mac lineup but the dates are yet to be confirmed.

The holy graveyard of tech

For anyone who has followed Apple and updates, a massive $10 billion self-driving car project aka the ‘Apple Car’ was scrapped after a decade of R&D. It even nixed the microLED screens planned for Apple Watches and other devices. According to Gurman, Apple has likely put an end to ‘Apple Pay Later’. 

Turns out Apple doesn’t want to take care of users seeking out loans, managing them with no interest, etc. The fact that it has rolled out third-party support on iOS 18 makes it obsolete to keep its financial services in the pipeline with no incentive whatsoever. 

There’s a lot to discuss with the potential future Apple lineup. Although these were the few updates coming directly from Gurman who has a gravitas over Apple chitter-chatters and we do know some of these devices would actually make their debuts as speculated.

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A wordsmith, a kin tech observer, a sci-fi fanatic and a scientific documentary buff.
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  • Apple is planning for an affordable Vision Pro headset set to arrive in late 2026.
  • iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 16 series will get selective AI capabilities barring any 'older' devices from getting the latest AI features whatsoever.
  • Apple currently has AR glasses, M4-powered Macs, and a few other products in the pipeline.

After hitting a jackpot with the revolutionary Apple Vision Pro, the future Apple lineup looks bright with a tonne of new products in the works. From an affordable Vision headset to a successor, feasible Apple Glasses, the planned spree on the M4 Macs, and the slow rollout of Apple’s ambitious Apple Intelligence suite of features. The Future Apple lineup has a lot to look out for this year and in the coming years. Bloomberg’s latest Power On newsletter talks about Apple’s upcoming lineup exploring what’s cooking.

Future Apple lineup teases an affordable Apple Vision Pro

One of the most ambitious products at Apple, the Vision Pro had been in the making for several years. Earlier this year, the spatial computing headset finally saw its launch, however, the extravagant price tag of $3,500 has been a bummer for many of the interested buyers. After all, the headset is priced thrice what even the most expensive AR headsets are pegged at, and that created tension.

Future Apple Lineup teases upcoming affordable Vision Pro headset in the works
Image Credits: Road to VR

Apple has confirmed releasing the expensive headset across more markets but until it doesn’t bring the prices down, it might not reach the masses. With the latest update coming from Mark Gurman on his newsletter Power On, Apple is likely developing an affordable Vision Pro headset with codename N107. Probably named ‘Apple Vision’, this headset is likely to arrive on the market by the end of 2025.

The Cupertino-based giant is still struggling with the cost as it wants to retain critical features without any major trade-offs. Removing many of the features that made Vision Pro revolutionary would make it less appealing for the buyers. The company might consider removing the EyeSight display, using a slightly less powerful chip, and tethering it with the Mac or iPhone to bring down processing capabilities and beyond. 

Apple is still adamant about working on the next-gen Vision Pro bearing codename N109 which we will see sometime at the end of 2026 although that remains to be seen since recent reports hint at possible delays in the project.

Apple Glasses AR could be feasible

Apple Glasses AR could be feasible

You must have seen AR glasses in sci-fi movies, they have been a holy grail for the tech industry and yet, several companies tried it and failed.

2027 could be the year when Apple could achieve something as ‘Apple AR Glasses’ with the potential to replace iPhones altogether. Although we have heard a lot about how these glasses would change our outlook towards daily tasks, it is still a milestone that Apple will have to work out pouring in millions of dollars. It will take a few years before it could be a reality. 

For a company that spent almost $10 billion and invested a decade before scrapping its plans to make cars, putting in a few more years towards a sci-fi tech aka the AR glasses, shouldn’t be a problem, right?

The speculated future Apple lineup teases the AR glasses quite a lot although we aren’t sure if these will be ready for the public until a few years at the least.

Apple opts for selective rollout of AI capabilities to the latest iPhones

iPhone 15 Pro series was the first to feature 8GB of RAM. You must have heard Apple saying you need at least 8GB of RAM storage to get hands on Apple Intelligence. That’s probably why you won’t be able to use any of the AI features across standard iPhone 15 and those released before.

iPhone 16 Pro is rumored to have a 20% brighter screen.
Image Credits: Apple

A lot has been said about this strategy, probably to spike iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max sales until the iPhone 16 series arrives later this year. It would’ve been a different thing altogether if Apple had chosen the neural engine as the entry barrier, however, it seems like it’s not the point, and rather the RAM is currently the entry barrier.

It’s not the first time when Apple has limited some features to Pro devices. It uses A16 on the iPhone 15 and 15 Plus while A17 Pro gets the prime spot on iPhone 15 Pro series. The Cupertino-giant did the same with iPhone 14 as well giving the Pro models more gravitas and better performance than their standard variants.

Pausing AI rollout in the EU

A few days ago, we heard Apple is likely to withhold its Apple Intelligence (AI) rollout across the European Union as a result of the Digital Markets Act (DMA) that was passed earlier this year. Apple anticipates possible interoperability issues with the AI rollout that could hamper user privacy and security. Thus, it is likely to pull temporary breaks on AI rollout across 450 million people living in the European Union until there’s common ground for fair competition. 

Apple M4 Mac lineup in the works

Moving ahead with the speculated future Apple lineup, there’s a lot around Apple’s next-gen M4-powered Mac lineup. For instance, just a few days ago, we heard a 14-inch MacBook Pro with M4. And a 14-inch Pro with a M4 Pro and 16-inch MacBook Pro powered by M4 Max are in the works scheduled for launch by the end of this year.

Apple Future Lineup includes M4-powered 
 Mac devices

Gurman speculates that the M4 Mac lineup is in the works too with M4 iMacs and M4 Mac minis (both low and high-end models in the works) set to arrive sometime by the end of 2024 and early 2025. There are MacBook Airs expected to arrive in the spring of 2025 and we could see Mac Studio and Mac Pro making their debut in the second half of 2025. Turns out there’s a lot to explore revolving around the M4 Mac lineup but the dates are yet to be confirmed.

The holy graveyard of tech

For anyone who has followed Apple and updates, a massive $10 billion self-driving car project aka the ‘Apple Car’ was scrapped after a decade of R&D. It even nixed the microLED screens planned for Apple Watches and other devices. According to Gurman, Apple has likely put an end to ‘Apple Pay Later’. 

Turns out Apple doesn’t want to take care of users seeking out loans, managing them with no interest, etc. The fact that it has rolled out third-party support on iOS 18 makes it obsolete to keep its financial services in the pipeline with no incentive whatsoever. 

There’s a lot to discuss with the potential future Apple lineup. Although these were the few updates coming directly from Gurman who has a gravitas over Apple chitter-chatters and we do know some of these devices would actually make their debuts as speculated.

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A wordsmith, a kin tech observer, a sci-fi fanatic and a scientific documentary buff.
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