Samsung Galaxy S25 Battery Likely To Remain Unchanged

Aadil Raval
By Aadil Raval
3 Min Read
  • Samsung Galaxy S25 battery capacities reportedly leaked claiming unchanged size compared to the predecessor.
  • Samsung Galaxy S-series has seen quite a fluctuation in battery sizes possibly due to design or space constraint.
  • Battery AI could reportedly provide 5% to 10% additional battery backup.

Samsung Galaxy S25 battery size reportedly leaked earlier today. Turns out there’s a high possibility the South Korean giant will use a 4,000mAh battery on the upcoming Galaxy S25 vanilla model. If that’s true, we won’t see any uptick in battery size compared to Galaxy S24 as it had a 4,000mAh battery pack as well.

Samsung Galaxy S25 Battery: Sticking to the same this year as well

Reports of Galaxy S25 hosting a 4,000mAh battery started breaking earlier today giving rise to all the news about why Samsung is sticking with the same battery size for two years. But hey, it’s not two but rather five years in the making. Samsung Galaxy S20 and S1 had a 4,000mAh battery after which, Samsung thought it would be better to get a 3,700mAh battery for S22. It yanks up the size to 3,900mAh for Galaxy S23 and finally, we got a 4,000mAh pack for S24 earlier this year.

Samsung Galaxy S25 battery reportedly leaks out

As the Samsung Galaxy S25 is awaiting its launch early next year, getting a 4,000mAh battery may put it in jeopardy given the fact that it’s the same battery size used five years ago. Many of Samsung’s Chinese rivals are already using larger batteries on their flagship phones which leaves Samsung at a disadvantage.

A lot is going on around the Samsung Galaxy S25 battery size. Some reports suggest it could be design or space constraints why the South Korean giant is sticking to a 4,000mAh battery. Others suggest Samsung has already mastered battery life optimization and is confident that its batteries would last longer. In any case, a 4,000mAh battery may seem like a dealbreaker especially if you are a power user who doesn’t want to stick around a power source everything the battery drops below a certain point, right?

There’s something called ‘Battery AI’ in the works slated to arrive in 2025 possibly with the Samsung Galaxy S25 series. The feature is poised to increase battery runtime by 5% to 10% possibly by throttling 5G modem performance or CPU/GPU. If true, this could give the Samsung Galaxy S25 series additional battery life which is good, however, at what cost? We’ll find out soon so stick around to know more.

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A wordsmith, a kin tech observer, a sci-fi fanatic and a scientific documentary buff.
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  • Samsung Galaxy S25 battery capacities reportedly leaked claiming unchanged size compared to the predecessor.
  • Samsung Galaxy S-series has seen quite a fluctuation in battery sizes possibly due to design or space constraint.
  • Battery AI could reportedly provide 5% to 10% additional battery backup.

Samsung Galaxy S25 battery size reportedly leaked earlier today. Turns out there’s a high possibility the South Korean giant will use a 4,000mAh battery on the upcoming Galaxy S25 vanilla model. If that’s true, we won’t see any uptick in battery size compared to Galaxy S24 as it had a 4,000mAh battery pack as well.

Samsung Galaxy S25 Battery: Sticking to the same this year as well

Reports of Galaxy S25 hosting a 4,000mAh battery started breaking earlier today giving rise to all the news about why Samsung is sticking with the same battery size for two years. But hey, it’s not two but rather five years in the making. Samsung Galaxy S20 and S1 had a 4,000mAh battery after which, Samsung thought it would be better to get a 3,700mAh battery for S22. It yanks up the size to 3,900mAh for Galaxy S23 and finally, we got a 4,000mAh pack for S24 earlier this year.

Samsung Galaxy S25 battery reportedly leaks out

As the Samsung Galaxy S25 is awaiting its launch early next year, getting a 4,000mAh battery may put it in jeopardy given the fact that it’s the same battery size used five years ago. Many of Samsung’s Chinese rivals are already using larger batteries on their flagship phones which leaves Samsung at a disadvantage.

A lot is going on around the Samsung Galaxy S25 battery size. Some reports suggest it could be design or space constraints why the South Korean giant is sticking to a 4,000mAh battery. Others suggest Samsung has already mastered battery life optimization and is confident that its batteries would last longer. In any case, a 4,000mAh battery may seem like a dealbreaker especially if you are a power user who doesn’t want to stick around a power source everything the battery drops below a certain point, right?

There’s something called ‘Battery AI’ in the works slated to arrive in 2025 possibly with the Samsung Galaxy S25 series. The feature is poised to increase battery runtime by 5% to 10% possibly by throttling 5G modem performance or CPU/GPU. If true, this could give the Samsung Galaxy S25 series additional battery life which is good, however, at what cost? We’ll find out soon so stick around to know more.

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A wordsmith, a kin tech observer, a sci-fi fanatic and a scientific documentary buff.
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