Oneplus One Cyanogen Mod 12 Passes certification, updates soon

Jeffrey van de Velde
By Jeffrey van de Velde
3 Min Read

Oneplus One CyanogenMod 12 Passes certification, updates soon

After lots of delays with the certification issues, the users of the Oneplus One are now closer than ever to the Cyanogen OS 12 OTA update. Carl Pei, the co-founder of Oneplus, announced that Cyanogen OS 12 is now finally through the certification process, which means that the OTA (Over the air) update will be there soon. Here is what he exactly said on twitter:

“CM12s just passed certification today. Thanks for the patience, expect rollout in the next few days.”


This is what the CEO from Cyanogen Inc. Steve Kondik said in the past few weeks on his Google page:

“Should be. Takes about four days. Once it’s out I’ll probably write-up retrospect on everything that’s gone down along the way.”

The CEO had also been talking lot’s before this news arrived. Here you can read all the messages again from a few days ago:

“Should be. Takes about four days. Once it’s out I’ll probably write-up retrospect on everything that’s gone down along the way.”

“The truth is that we’re just drunk and lazy.  Seriously though, a new test suite came out because of MR1 literally the same day as we submitted, and so we had to redo the whole process with the new one.”

“No, this has nothing to do anything like that. It really is that the suite changed, added new requirements, and we had to address them. I haven’t slept in a week, seriously.”

“It’s just as frustrating for us because we are in scramble mode and really want to ship our hard work. Hopefully we’ll get the signoff in the next day or two. We’ll immediately send the OTA as soon as we get that email :)”

The explanation of the total delay is that when they were done with the final release, the Google certification API changed to 22. Which means that the ROM needs to meet the requirements of the new test suit. Otherwise it have no change on the side of certification, now they have the certification ready they can finally deliver the update to all their users with all the Google Apps.

Thank you for reading this, I hope you liked it. As always from me #NeverSettle for anything other than our best and latest news. Come back as more awesome articles will be uploaded soon!

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Hello everyone, Welcome at one of my articles or just at my profile. I hope you enjoy reading our articles. We really want to thank you for supporting us! So, a bit more about myself. My name is Jeffrey, I live in the Netherlands and I'm 17 years old at this moment.I love everything about tech, if you've got a question you can always hit me up at my True-Tech email address. Cheers! Jeffrey [email protected]
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Oneplus One CyanogenMod 12 Passes certification, updates soon

After lots of delays with the certification issues, the users of the Oneplus One are now closer than ever to the Cyanogen OS 12 OTA update. Carl Pei, the co-founder of Oneplus, announced that Cyanogen OS 12 is now finally through the certification process, which means that the OTA (Over the air) update will be there soon. Here is what he exactly said on twitter:

“CM12s just passed certification today. Thanks for the patience, expect rollout in the next few days.”


This is what the CEO from Cyanogen Inc. Steve Kondik said in the past few weeks on his Google page:

“Should be. Takes about four days. Once it’s out I’ll probably write-up retrospect on everything that’s gone down along the way.”

The CEO had also been talking lot’s before this news arrived. Here you can read all the messages again from a few days ago:

“Should be. Takes about four days. Once it’s out I’ll probably write-up retrospect on everything that’s gone down along the way.”

“The truth is that we’re just drunk and lazy.  Seriously though, a new test suite came out because of MR1 literally the same day as we submitted, and so we had to redo the whole process with the new one.”

“No, this has nothing to do anything like that. It really is that the suite changed, added new requirements, and we had to address them. I haven’t slept in a week, seriously.”

“It’s just as frustrating for us because we are in scramble mode and really want to ship our hard work. Hopefully we’ll get the signoff in the next day or two. We’ll immediately send the OTA as soon as we get that email :)”

The explanation of the total delay is that when they were done with the final release, the Google certification API changed to 22. Which means that the ROM needs to meet the requirements of the new test suit. Otherwise it have no change on the side of certification, now they have the certification ready they can finally deliver the update to all their users with all the Google Apps.

Thank you for reading this, I hope you liked it. As always from me #NeverSettle for anything other than our best and latest news. Come back as more awesome articles will be uploaded soon!

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Hello everyone, Welcome at one of my articles or just at my profile. I hope you enjoy reading our articles. We really want to thank you for supporting us! So, a bit more about myself. My name is Jeffrey, I live in the Netherlands and I'm 17 years old at this moment.I love everything about tech, if you've got a question you can always hit me up at my True-Tech email address. Cheers! Jeffrey [email protected]
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